Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Digital Pencils...

First time I'm working this process. I'm gonna rough in all my pencils digitally, then do the inking traditionally over top my monster lite-box. I'm going to knock out the rest of the pencils (6 more pages) before I move on to ink.


Jason Copland said...

If you can, you should get a large format printer and just print out the pages in non-photo blue and ink over those. I got a large format print for around $300. Staring into a lightbox for hours is so not fun.

John_Bivens said...

I've had trouble with the ink sitting on top of the toner in the past. What kind of printer do you use, and what kind of ink? If I can find a way that the ink won't bead up and the blue line show through, I would prefer going that direction.

Jason Copland said...

I have this:
The ink will sit on the printer ink in rare occasions... but very rare, in my case.I think it depends on how dark the blue is that you print out. I don't print the pencils very dark so I don't have much problem with the ink beading. I print on standard 2 ply Bristol (smooth finish).

It's not a printer that prints colour very well, but for a large format printer for just doing blue pages, it's just fine.