Sunday, April 11, 2010

busy, busy, busy

Really excited for C2E2 to be coming up. This is the last con that I plan to just attend to wander, make introductions and simply enjoy (after this I gotta start tabling). Today I put together a portfolio packet to hand out to editors, writers and such; did some inking; and did a ton of scanning.

Here's a page from my auto-bio web-comic I'll be posting in the near future (no text yet, especially since it's a personal project... I got a lot of stuff lined up with others folks that has to take priority).

Monday, April 5, 2010

SciFi Western

For some reason, I just kept thinking "God, I would like to do a western with robots, clones and aliens" today. I need more of me to work on the projects on my plate, those being offered, and the ones I come up with. A slave army of clone Johns... nah... my heads just stuck in mad-scientist mode.

Q&D warm-up

a quick and dirty warm-up. Never got into drawing a lot of the "Bad Girls" when I was younger, but I figure I will give myself some practice at it for a bit.

On a side note, it's not till your not surrounded by friends that were ready to be life drawing models at the drop of a hat, that you miss it. I need some kind of artsy community around where I live *sigh*.